Corid dosage via dropper for 24 week old pullet


6 Years
Jul 28, 2016
One of our hens became lethargic yesterday....standing alone with feathers puffed out. She's not eating or drinking. We just got some corid and will treat the whole flock but I'm unsure of the dosage via dropper for her. I've been looking through old posts for close to an hour but am still unsure. Any help is appreciated!
The strongest dosage for a sick chicken is always the same--mix 1 1/2 tsp of the powder or 2 tsp of the liquid into a gallon of water, changed daily. They will drink the correct dose on their own, or you can give some undiluted twice a day orally. The liquid Corid undiluted is equal to mixing 1 1/2 tsp of the powder into 2 tsp (10 ml) of water. Just give a drop or two twice a day. Then try giving her the regular mixture.
Here is a picture from Hopkins Alternative Livestock showing where to dose liquids or medicines in the right side of the back of the throat. Avoid the large hole in the center, which is the trachea or windpipe.

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Thanks for the help! We are first time chicken owners. We gave her two drops since she's not eating or drinking on her own. Fingers crossed!
Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this. I hope it helps.
As far as corid goes. I had a cocci outbreak and lost one chicken. I bought some corid....(I don't recommend this in every situation) one of my hens was going to die so I took about three drops of corid in a syringe and gave it to her strait. She was going to die within hours. Today (that was yesterday) she was up and eating walking around and her color had returned. She is still weak but she is no longer on deaths door. I usually add 1/2 teaspoon to each gallon. That seems to work great. All of my flock are doing much better. I'm not to worried about eating the eggs. I will keep them on corid for 5-7 days. I've been raising chickens for pets meat and eggs for years. So please, if you disagree or have advice for me. I would love to hear it. Experience comes to those who are willing to listen and work hard. I've always had around 10-80 chickens at any given time. But that dose not mean I know it all. What do you think about my last ditch effort to save my chicken?
Our chicken was really improved yesterday. We aren't sure whether the Corid helped or if she just got better. She wouldn't sit, eat or drink for over a day. She didn't even go up on the roost at night...just stood in the corner of the coop. Now she's eating and drinking but is just a bit slower than normal. Hopefully she is on the mend.
Our chicken was really improved yesterday. We aren't sure whether the Corid helped or if she just got better. She wouldn't sit, eat or drink for over a day. She didn't even go up on the roost at night...just stood in the corner of the coop. Now she's eating and drinking but is just a bit slower than normal. Hopefully she is on the mend.

Since she is better, I would continue the Corid for 5 days, and then give a little plain yogurt and vitamins for several days after that. Chickens can have mystery diseases, and I have a had a couple that looked like death for several days, then finally recovered and lived until now. Without lab tests or xrays, we can only look at symptoms and guess what's wrong.
When all of this started I noticed that her lower feathers were kind of sticking out. Yesterday it looked more strange and today I found a ton of her feathers all in one spot in the yard. She had been off by herself. Maybe a juvenile molt? Could that make her not eat for a day or so and not want to sit?

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