corid interaction question


11 Years
Oct 7, 2012
I have a question about any interaction with corid absorption. I started corid 3 days ago as one of my hens has been shedding intestinal lining. At first thought it was just that, shedding the intestinal lining, but have notice it several times in the last week or so. With that said started the corid 3 days ago and again found what looks to be quite a lot of intestinal lining in one of my hens droppings. I have been adding a vitamin supplement to their morning mush that I give them and it has all the omega oils in it. Could this be interfering with what the corid should be doing with the coccidia treatment? Yesterday all the stools looked great, but this morning when I went to clean out the coop there again in one of the droppings was quite a lot of lining. Shouldn't this be gone by now. I would really appreciate anyone help with this. Thanks in advance
If they had coccidiosis that's the cause of the intestinal lining shedding. if the Corid was at the proper dose for treatment (rather then preventative) then 3 days is all you should be giving it.
I am using the liquid corid at 1 tsp. per gallon. Today I did up it when I saw again intestinal lining to 1.5 tsp to a gallon of water. Do you think the vitamin that I am using could be keeping the corid from being effective? I would have thought that I wouldn't have seen any more signs of intestinal lining. Especially after 3 days of use.
I am using the liquid corid at 1 tsp. per gallon. Today I did up it when I saw again intestinal lining to 1.5 tsp to a gallon of water. Do you think the vitamin that I am using could be keeping the corid from being effective? I would have thought that I wouldn't have seen any more signs of intestinal lining. Especially after 3 days of use.

for the liquid a treatment dose is 2tsp/10ml per gallon, at your 1 previously you were just at the prevention dose.

i can't say on the vitamins, i'd discontinue them for the 3 days then you might wanna even add a probiotic after that for a few days.
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Liquid - 2 teaspoons per gallon for 5 day, then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 7-14 days. Best not to give a vitamins at the same time.


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