Cornish Hen- Special Needs


8 Years
Jan 12, 2014
I have a cornish hen who I rescued from being snake food. Didn't know the breed when I got her but she is now unmistakable a broiler. She is the sweetest little girl but she needs special care. I restrict her diet even now so she doesn't get to fat and put strain on her legs. Also, in a big flock she would fall to the bottom of the pecking order and be beat on. She would be a great pet.

Located in Berkeley CA

she's the big one in the pic
Very cute. What are you planning to do with her? I heard that letting them free range and not giving them meat bird food lets them grow slower and prevents them from getting broken legs. Just curious.
I'm hoping to find someone who can do just that for her. I've also heard the lower fat/protein foods given in rations is the best way. I had another cornish a few years ago with my flock so I wasn't able to restrict just her diet (and at the time I didn't know about food restriction for broilers) and she was unable to walk after a while.
Good luck.
I hope you can find someone to make her into a pet.
I'm hoping someone can give me advice. Last week my wife and I bought 6 more chicks (3 sex link pullets, 2 silkies, and 1 Cornish Hen). They are 6 days old. We do not plan on using the Cornish for meat, but already she seems to be outgrowing the others. I am nervous about her (or him) getting too big too quickly. How can I make sure she's not too heavy for her legs? They're still so small I don't want to separate them yet. And what can I do for her as an adult? I do plan on letting them free range on weekends when I'm home, otherwise they'll have access to a caged run during the week.
I'm hoping someone can give me advice. Last week my wife and I bought 6 more chicks (3 sex link pullets, 2 silkies, and 1 Cornish Hen). They are 6 days old. We do not plan on using the Cornish for meat, but already she seems to be outgrowing the others. I am nervous about her (or him) getting too big too quickly. How can I make sure she's not too heavy for her legs? They're still so small I don't want to separate them yet. And what can I do for her as an adult? I do plan on letting them free range on weekends when I'm home, otherwise they'll have access to a caged run during the week.
Welcome to BYC!

You might want to post this in our Meat Birds section for more help with your birds...

Good luck with your birds! :)

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