Cornish X's, Processing day


12 Years
May 22, 2007
St. Johns, Michigan
I had a bunch (35) of my Cornish X's (specifically, Hubbard White Mountain Broilers from Towline Hatchery) processed yesterday. They were just over 8 weeks old (59 days). But this time, I actually had a scale.

I knew that many of them looked larger than my last batch, and I was quite correct. The smallest were not less than 5 lbs, and the largest were over 7.5 lbs. I was quite impressed.
The average dressed weight was somewhere over 6 lbs.

This time, I decided to give my customers a choice between large and "regular" size, meaning that I would grow the larger chickens out to 10 weeks. I still have 17 more, about half of which are males. It's possible some could dress close to 10 lbs. I hope I don't get a bad reputation with my processor.

I had one of the chickens that I was keeping for 2 more weeks die on processing day, for no apparent reason. How ironic is that???
But that was the only death that I've had since the first couple days, so I can't complain.

My Colored Range Broilers are scheduled for October 9th, at 12 weeks old.
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HI, i am getting 50 cornishX next week, and am wondering about how many bags of feed do you think that you fed during the 8 weeks for your birds? i am thinking of feeding all day, and not feeding between 7pm and 8am - is this what you did?
Also, we are building a 14 x 10 addition to our coop to keep these 50 - do you think that is big enough?

thanks for any info you can give me.

Have a great weekend!
I actually didn't keep track of the amount of feed I used this time. My last batch, I went through about 17 bags* for 50 chickens (ended up with 48). These were 50 lb bags. I probably used more than that this batch, since the weights were higher, but with 2 different meat breeds being raised together, it's hard to be exact.

Just to get a conservative ballpark estimate, I've alwas figured half-a-bag per chiken. Or, if you figure a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 3 (which is also a bit high), and at 8 weeks, your live weights average around 8 lbs, then it comes out to 24 lbs of feed per chicken.

In practice, those estimates will be bit high. For 50 straight-run cornish x's to 8 weeks, you can probably figure about 16 to 20 bags (800 to 1,000 lbs) of feed, depending on exactly how fast they grow, how much they waste, how many survive, and how many the hatchery actually ships.

*I actually went through a bit over 18 bags, but I had 10 layer chicks that I raised along with them during that period.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that I always try to provide them with feed 24/7. But I also don't provide them with any artificial light, once they are out of the brooder. They don't eat while they're sleeping at night.
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Week 2:

I took 8 of my 10 males to the processor. They were 9 weeks old, and 2 of them dressed at 9 lbs. The others were around 8 to 8.5. I felt guilty bringing them in.
I should probably give them a tip next week, when the remaining 9 birds go in (7 females).

I honestly can't believe how big they got. It must have been the relatively mild weather we've had.

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