Cornish Xs that are days from butcher - What to feed?


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Conroe, TX
It is fair time here in TX and 4Hers are busy culling their fair chickens. I just got 11 free from a 4Her. I am not sure exactly how old these guys and gals are, but they all probably weigh 6-9 lbs. I plan to send them all off to freezer camp on Friday. What should I feed them until then?
i would feed the purina flock raiser or someone said on here to add some corn if you would need them to be a bit fatter.

don't feed the last 12 hours before processing to clean out the insides.

Good Luck
you can feed them anything, but leave them with an empty gut for half a day b4 you do the deed. It's tuesday, you could feed them cracked corn, layer ration or just about anything.... Cuz anything you feed them won't hurt em in the next few days.
Thanks everone! Its hard not to look at them and start thinking about mouthwatering chicken dinner. I gave them some layer pellets this morning (it was what I had on hand) and bought a bag of scratch for them this afternoon. I'll definitely give them no food on Friday. Poor guys don't even get a last meal.
if you feel really bad - you could give them some warm oatmeal for a last meal. it might be a bit messier at processing time, but they and you might feel better.

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