cortunix quail (laying question)


12 Years
Nov 13, 2007
Central Florida
I have acourtnix quail that just started layng three days ago. we did not get an egg yesterday and this morning we had two. the one was normal and the second one is like there is no outside shell. It is just very light pink and soft. Can anyone tell me what could cause this. We did move them yesterday to a new pen. Please someone let me know if i should add anything or if there is aproblem


no they are game starter stuff. should i be giving them maybe egg layer for chickens with that . the oyster shell seems so big to give them, but i have some of that too.
layer crumbles and a little added "nummies" like meal worms are great ... They need a bit more protein than what is in the layer crumbles but it is easily made up for when they can free range or you can add a few crickets or maggots (is it better to say fly larva lol).
she definitely needs more calcium... crushed egg shells are fantastic too!
Mine don't always lay when they should either. I haven't been giving them any calcium and they are doing fine. What probably happened was the eggs kind of backed up with the stress of moving and she didn't have the space to form the shell on that last egg. Her next egg should be ok.
Game starter is great but now that she is laying she needs more. (even game feed with added shells) I have 1-2 eggs a day from mine and I have never had a soft shell. (although if it is real cold outside they may skip a day of laying... as they should to save energy for heat)
I use the layer crumbles (they like the size too) and add the extra protein.

Good luck

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