Coryza infection


Sep 11, 2020
I believe my chickens have the Coryza infection. I lost one that was once a healthy chicken..I’m haven’t been get any eggs as of late and they have reduced their feed. I noticed another sneezing tonight. Where can I get medication to help
Do they have any discharge from the eyes or nares? Bubbles in the eyes around the lids? Any crusty or slimy stuff on the face?
Not that I can see but this the face of the chicken that passed today
Sorry for your loss.

Coryza often causes inflammation of the nasal passages and sinuses usually resulting in lots of discharge coming from the eyes and nares. Face edema is usually seen too. I see you bird looks to be lacking both of those symptoms, so I'd be inclined to think something else. However, I'm not totally ruling that possibility out.

How old are these chickens? Have you added any birds to the flock the past few months? Are their crops empty in the morning? Could you open their mouth, and check for any lesions or plaque deposits? How do their feces look? Have you checked them over for signs of mites/lice? Could you provide us with your general location?

To clarify, the chickens are sneezing, but, not wheezing or producing amounts of discharge? If there are any other symptoms, please let us know.

Do you still happen to have the body of the chicken that passed?
These chicken are only 8 months old. I am very new to the chicken world but I have grown to love having theses little creatures.

I haven’t looked in there mouths and don’t believe they have mite/lice. I just noticed that one hen sneezing last night. So after having the one bird dying and then this on sneezing. Then doing a lot of reading I’d assume that this might be the cause since egg production has also ceased.We have new chicks but they have been separate from the bigger birds.

I do still have the dead bird but I still have to much city in me to go look at it to investigate.

i live northern central of B.C.
A dead giveaway for Coryza is a foul odor around the head area. If there's no foul odor, it's not Coryza.
Poultry respiratory diseases show more symptoms than just sneezing.
Did you inspect your hen closely for mites, especially around the vent area? Mites suck blood, cause anemia, then death. The sneezing could be from excess dander, dust or maybe mold spores inside the coop.

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