cotton patch geese

Very nice pics. She/he looks so well cared for. Looks pretty, not really masculine-looking. I still go for female.
I have bred geese for about thirty years now. Geese DO NOT have to have water to “swim” in for their eggs to be fertile. During breeding season mine never had access to swimming water. Dave Holderread, whom I consider to be the countries foremost expert(with actual hands on experience) with waterfowl says in his book, The Book of Geese, that it is not necessary for geese to have water to swim in in order to have fertile eggs.
I have bred geese for about thirty years now. Geese DO NOT have to have water to “swim” in for their eggs to be fertile. During breeding season mine never had access to swimming water. Dave Holderread, whom I consider to be the countries foremost expert(with actual hands on experience) with waterfowl says in his book, The Book of Geese, that it is not necessary for geese to have water to swim in in order to have fertile eggs.
Depends on the breed. Some of them are way too big to breed naturally without the aid of a large body of water. Cotton Patch certainly don't need it, but half of our Americans did. I bet most Toulouse geese would need a few inches at least. It does help increase fertility (mostly because it "sets the mood", LOL).
Looks like I'm getting a pair of juvenile cotton patch geese this year! Im building up my flock because next summer we're moving onto 5 acres with a pond! So I can start my own little breeding plan.

So far I have:
3 Embden
6 Toulouse
6 Buff
6 Pomeranian
Picking up a pair of Dewlap Toulouse Geese (2 years old this spring, one buff and one gray)
And 2 juvenile Cotton Patch!
Wow sounds like a fun flock. Which breed are you planning on breeding? I always have had the philosophy of focusing on one at a time. When I've done multiple breeds the logistics of keeping them from crossing can get overwhelming.
Wow sounds like a fun flock. Which breed are you planning on breeding? I always have had the philosophy of focusing on one at a time. When I've done multiple breeds the logistics of keeping them from crossing can get overwhelming.

I really want to buy some Blue geese and do blues and buffs and lavenders, but I think maybe I'll pick the cotton patch or Dewleps. The 5 acres we're moving to doesn't have fences so I could build the fences and just keep all the breeds separate permanently. What do you think?
Definitely! As long as they're securely separated. When it comes to picking which breed you want to go with, pick the one that excites you. I breed cotton patch because I love their personality and I like them more than the other breeds. I love their history too. i think you're doing it right: get a bunch of different geese and decide which ones you like the best before committing to breeding them.
Definitely! As long as they're securely separated. When it comes to picking which breed you want to go with, pick the one that excites you. I breed cotton patch because I love their personality and I like them more than the other breeds. I love their history too. i think you're doing it right: get a bunch of different geese and decide which ones you like the best before committing to breeding them.

Ahhhh I can't decide which one I wanna do!

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