Coturnix Quail chick, listless and silent?


10 Years
Aug 11, 2011
Hi, it's been a real long time since I've logged in here!

Since then I've moved up to Seattle. We recently (as in, a couple hours ago) took in a coturnix quail chick someone found wandering around (not sure how that happened). They said they've had it a week, and in that time it's eaten and drinks well but walks poorly/listlessly (as if it were drunk) and it's feathers are always puffed out.

Totally normal stools, no blood whatsoever. I suspected cocci, but I asked the person who was caring for it and they said it hadn't ever pooped in it's food or water that she knew of, nor had it ever had any abnormal stools. In my experience, chicks who start showing signs of coccidiosis don't make it for more than a couple days, and this guy has been going for over a week now. I am not sure how old it is, but I will include the pics she'd sent me. Should it still be under a heat lamp? I was not prepared, I'll admit, and will need to pick up one if so.

I've had baby chicks before, and especially when isolated, they are always loud and active. This guy/gal is quiet as heck. It still seems interested in food - it pecked a bit at some scrambled eggs I offered it, but didn't eat any, but it's pretty late and well past it's 'bed time' now. If anyone has any insight or advice please let me know.

Edited to add: Oh, I should add she said she was feeding it ground up bird seed? I have a variety of stuff here to offer it (Harrison's high potency parrot feed, freeze dried meal worms) & I plan on grabbing some game bird feed tommorrow ASAP.
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We ended up taking it to the vet, it has a bad bacterial infection. Probably got it from running lose who knows how long.

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