Coturnix Quial all ages and Hatching eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 11, 2011
Coturnix quail of all ages for sale and hatching eggs. Chicks from 1 week to 3 weeks old $1.50. Young adults and breeding adults $3.00 also training quail for dogs $3.00. A dozen hatching eggs + extra $3.60. Refrigerated quail eggs to be used for pickling $2.00 a dozen.
Hello, .. quail noob here. Are the adult quail able to be shipped via mail? I'm way up here in Md. so I wonder if it would be safe for them to ship that far. I am in the process of building pens now and need 3 males and 9-12 females in a few weeks..
BTW, saw your website. I may be in the market for a brindle male G.D this spring.. just for a pet. I currently have a female brindle mutt( G.D. mixed with an Akita.. go figure).. she looks like a G.D. with a curly taill. So cute. My last dog was a registered fawn G.D.
Thanks for your help.
Hello Quail noob. Yes I could ship adults in a few weeks. just let me know when you are ready. I always send and extra male and female when I send adults just incase somethng would happen. I will be having puppies in the spring i will let you know when they are born. Thank you.
Thanks for your reply. I'll check in with you just after Christmas as I should have shelters competed by then.. Cant wait!

Happy Holidays!
How much is shipping for the pickling eggs? I love to pickle my quail eggs for parties, but all my quail stopped laying for the time being...
I charge exact shipping cost it normaly runs $8 to $10. I ship the eggs with ice packs so they stay cold, this adds a little weight. I always throw in a few extra incase some brake in transit. My incubator is full so all the eggs I have been putting in the fridge are fresh. I started putting eggs in the fridge Sunday. If you would like any you can send me your address and I can check exact shipping cost for you. you can e-mail me at [email protected]
pogoforeman, can I get an idea of shipping for my birds to 21074?? If you need more info then that, let me know. Thanks for your help with this..

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