Could a bug have done this?


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
I have 4, 6-days old BBWs. Yesterday I noticed, when I picked one of them up, she coughed-up what appeared to be clear mucus. . . I spent yesterday trying to figure-out whether she had brooder pneumonia (unlikely since I am absolutely fastidious about my birds) or (gasp) bronchitis. . .

Gave them all electrolytes and increased the brooder temp, did some cleaning just in case. Checked on them throughout the day and they were all eating and drinking and still active. No one seemed "sick." By yesterday evening, no one had any discharge. . .

Then I notice something. . . The bugs that were flying around their brooder light at night and they had been chasing around clumsily. . . They had actually been catching and eating some of them! (Still fascinated at the foraging ability of these guys!) Is it possible that what I thought was actually a respiratory issue was really a gut issue and the one just ate a bug he/she probably shouldn't have? (Their never was any nasal discharge, just fluid from the mouth when I picked he/she up)
I have had that happen and nothing be wrong. If they had just finished drinking or drank a lot, when you pick them up they just "spit up".
That makes me feel better. :) First year with turkeys. Realizing more everyday how unlike chickens they really are! Thought I killed them all the first day after seeing them sleep. . . They way they splay out in weird positions. lol They crack me up. Really. Going to be hard to turn them into dinner. *sigh*

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