Could someone pls list what traits to look for in sexing a chick

The hat thing only makes my cockerels cower and the pullets stand at attention. Must have used the wrong hat.
LMAO!!! Speckledhen!!! I tried the hat thing again and had a whole different result. (Actually I use a folded baby receiving blanket...LOL) But the ring thing worked just exactly the same except for one Buff Orp. This time it said it was a pullet. Oh well...I guess time is the only way to tell for sure!

I have one chick that I'm getting really attached to and all the funky tests have said she is a she. But she's getting the thickest legs I've ever seen!
Is that always a sign of a roo? She is the most fun. She'll get up on my hand and is really nosy! Of course, I've been working with her to tame her since she's my fave.
From the link listed above:

"The best method is by observing the chicks' behavior. Startle the chicks by sailing a hat or similar soft object over their heads and watch their reactions. The cockerels will instinctively stand erect with their heads upright and will emit a peculiar warning chirruping sound. The pullets will tend to crouch down low and remain silent."

Can't say I'm ready to send a hat whizzing over their heads, my luck it'd boomerang and come back and hit ME in the head. ;o)

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