Could this be a pullet? (EE+RIR cross, 12 weeks)


9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
This is Crispy, whose father is a red EE and mother is a Rhode Island Red. At first I thought pullet, but then I changed my mind to cockerel when Crispy started getting dark red splotches on the wings. Now I'm leaning toward pullet again because the patterning is much more uniform and the comb is still tiny at 12 weeks. At this point I'm pretty sure about my other 22 chicks, but I keep going back and forth on this one. All photos are taken at 11.5-12 weeks old:

A close-up of the patterning on Crispy's back:

A few other things to mention:
-Crispy was an assisted hatch, and wore a band-aid splint for the first week and was smaller than the others. S/he is doing great now, but is still smaller than most and could be a runt/late bloomer.
-Crispy has two EE/RIR brothers, who were very clearly roos from about week 3. This is one of the boys on the right, with Crispy on the left:

(that's a Speckled Sussex/EE roo at the bottom of the photo)

I have more photos of Crispy (and the other cockerels/pullets for comparison) here:

Thanks for weighing in!
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