Could this be an Exchequer Leghorn?


11 Years
Dec 7, 2008
Durant, OK

Could this be an Exchequer Leghorn? She didn't start laying until 10 months old. It's a small white egg. I got her from Cackle Hatchery in a hatchery surprise package. Her comb seems to be getting a little bigger. Does it take a while for Leghorns to get the large combs that lay over? I've only gotten a couple of eggs so far so I don't know how often she lays yet.

What do you guys think?
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No, she's not tethered. She loves jewelry. And purple. She really loves purple. She calls this a bracelet... I told her she was having a photo shoot and she got dressed up.

I did originally think she was a Mottled Java. But Cackle doesn't list them. After she laid her first egg, I knew she wasn't a Java because they lay brown eggs. Also, Javas are supposed to mature quickly and they are larger birds. She is in the 4-5 pound range. The problem with thinking she is a leghorn is when she started laying. I think they begin earlier than 10 months. And also the comb, wondering if it will continue growing to flop over.

That's why I'm puzzled with her.

Oh and yeah, I tethered her to take her picture.
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that was my first thought, she looks just like mine. I am thinking they are not great representations?

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