Could use some suggestions for the classic stray cat problem please!

The BB gun worked for me. (small 45 looking BB hand gun) The next property seems to be the dropping grounds for all strays and unwanted cats in the area. They learn quick that a BB is waiting for them if they cross the property line. Most if not all of them stay away now. If you do get a mean one, as others have said, Trap it if possible and call the pound or here, the pound will set traps and take them away themselves.. If all else fails you have the kitty relocation program or SSS....

My cats are fixed, protect my chickens, are great mousers as well as my dogs. People who have cats or dogs should take care of them and have them sprayed or neuter. Most don't miss their cats when they disappear, even sadder is the dog owners that do not even notice.. As for the drop offs, well, that is a shame but why do we have to put up with them?
Mean, maybe, but you can't save them all....
Wow! A lot of you guys are pretty hardcore!
Thanks for the great suggestions. I think I'm going to try the bb gun first, mostly because it would be really satisfying. But I think trapping the kitty may end up being the best solution. She's really pretty, and seems sweet although skittish, so she'd probably get adopted pretty quick. I'll look into traps.

It is definitely frustrating being a responsible pet owner and being forced to do things that make me feel like a jerk. But what can you do? I know that no matter what neighborhood I end up in I'll always have to deal with outdoor cats in my yard. I guess I'll just start my target practice now.

Any issues with the chickens eating the bbs that anyone can think of? I don't know if they would, but I kind of imagine they'll just pass right through if they do... But then again I don't want to hurt my birds if I'm wrong.

Thanks again everybody!
Uh oh. We were shooting our own cats with the BB's when they tried to climb on the coop. They stopped, but I'm sure the BB's are still on the ground somewhere.
Paintball gun, lol. If you do decide to trap them, don't take them to the pound. Take them to a rescue so that maybe they would have a shot for a good life. My rooster attacks my cats just for being outside, lol. They don't really bother the chickens. They do like to sit and watch them though. :)
It is definitely frustrating being a responsible pet owner and being forced to do things that make me feel like a jerk.

That is why some of us became Hard Core....

I always shot towards the other persons property. Cat or dog near property line and I fire at them... My chickens stay for the most part on our property so I don't worry. Your own cats will most likely just watch the chickens and not harm them. If you let out your biddies alone, then watch them as dogs love to chew on them. Not hurt them just soak them. Not really a good thing for most biddies. Now my cats and dogs guard my chickens. I guess putting then all together as kittens, puppies and biddies created a weird sort of family. My cats herd the chickens better than the dogs, but my dogs have protected them from bigger animals that threaten them... Even the horse gets involved....

On the BB's if you are worried, use steel BB's, they pass thur without any trouble versus the copper ones. My chickens may pick one up but then spit it out. They are smart enough to know food from not food.... I can't speak for all chickens but mine seem to be smart that way....
Paintball gun, lol. If you do decide to trap them, don't take them to the pound. Take them to a rescue so that maybe they would have a shot for a good life. My rooster attacks my cats just for being outside, lol. They don't really bother the chickens. They do like to sit and watch them though.
I never thought of that. laughs.

You would know who was on your property that way but then the neighbor would know it as well.

I think BBs are cheaper than paintballs, plus I have been hit with bbs and paintballs. I think the paintballs hurt worse....
If it hurts worse the cat might get the picture. If you do decide to set traps for people's pets, let them know ahead of time that you are setting them. That gives them the option to take care of their animals. My neighbor traps people's pets for no reason other than being spiteful and I have lost a couple cats that way. However all of my cats are fixed and UTD on their rabies shots. You could also set up sprinklers, lol
If you do decide to set traps for people's pets, let them know ahead of time that you are setting them. That gives them the option to take care of their animals.
This sounds good. I don't think the cat's owners really care too much about her, but it doesn't really feel right to trap her and just give her away. Plus, I think I said before, they'd likely just get another one. Maybe if I told them they'd do something about it. I don't know. Since I posted I've been leaving the run door shut since the girls stay in their coop anyway, and actually haven't seen the cat around. Until I get a bb gun I think I'm going to continue this, with some outdoor activities while I'm present, so the chickens figure out that it's safe to be outside again.

Thanks again for all the advice everybody!

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