Could you help me with the breed?

Depends. How reputable was the source? And how well did they keep their breeds separated? They could all be mixed breeds if they came from hobbyist or backyard keeper.

Hm, let my answer you your question when I tell you that JUST 6 chicks hatched out of 40 eggs. The result, as I told the seller this bad hatching rate, was no reaction.
That was one reason why I told you in the first post what breeds should be hatched.
It seems that it was not a reputable source.
Hm, let my answer you your question when I tell you that JUST 6 chicks hatched out of 40 eggs. The result, as I told the seller this bad hatching rate, was no reaction.
That was one reason why I told you in the first post what breeds should be hatched.
It seems that it was not a reputable source.
Were the eggs clearly labeled, indicating the breed? Hatching eggs from reputable sources are usually very clearly labeled. If not, it is very likely they are all mixed breeds.
Hm, let my answer you your question when I tell you that JUST 6 chicks hatched out of 40 eggs. The result, as I told the seller this bad hatching rate, was no reaction.
That was one reason why I told you in the first post what breeds should be hatched.
It seems that it was not a reputable source.
Were they shipped eggs, or local? If shipped, that's not an unheard of hatch rate. If local, I agree it's pretty poor.
Each box was clearly labeled. And it was said that the breeder has all seperated groups, so there should be no mixes.

@donrae, yes these were shipped eggs, but even then i think it is a very poor rate.

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