counting down the minutes till the move to the coop


Apr 25, 2016
I am seriously considering putting these chickies outside on saturday into the coop for good.they are feathered out, except for a very few down feathers sticking out on the back of their necks. they have been without any supplemental head for a week and a half, and as of today are 5 weeks and 2 days old. any reason why they should continue to stay inside in my brooder? attached are pictures of the chicks as well as the forecast for my area. should I wait or pull the trigger?

My chicks have been living in the coop since five days old. Feathered Chicks are ready at that age and need too get out and start being chickens. They will love it !
Mine have had access to the run also and they are four weeks old. Totally off heat. Rain or shine the pop door is opened at 7 am every morning and the little monsters are excited to get outside and be chickens. I have 32 and don't really give it much thought.?
If they get cold they all run back into the coop.
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Nope, they'll be fine. I just booted a similar age bracket from the grow out pen (with a heat lamp at night) to the totally unheated pen and they're doing great. They actually love the freedom

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