Couple of Chicks Wondering Their Breed (new pics updated)

the first chick the Cuckoo one is a male. Not sure about the other. How old are they in the second pics of them. I may have to change my vote! LOL its just that it looks pretty pinky already.
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Oh I forgot to ask, did they mark the males for ya?? if so chances are they are both males, I heard, and this doesn't make it so, but I heard usually all the bonus rare chicks and the warmer chicks are almost always Roos, I have had female warmer chicks sent by mistake from Ideal which was alright with me. LOL.
They are just under 4 weeks. I'm just an impatient person and want to know lol. I can't remember off the top of my head what color the marans legs are but I'll look in the morning. Well there were some marked when I recieved the chicks and they were "extras" so maybe that means they are males. I hope that they both aren't roos or else one will be given away. Thanks for the help so far and I'll let you know about the legs!

I'm not sure what color this is, is it pink? They look pink and black to me.
my barred rocks have yellow feet and the cuckoo marans have white, so i think that would be closer to white then the yellow so I would say cuckoo marans out of the two breeds.
I'm sorry, I should have elaborated. Your Red Sex Link is a girl by coloration. The males are white both when they are chicks and when they grow up.

She'll bury you in eggs around 16 to 18 weeks. Grats!

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