couple of pics of my white leghorn roo at 9 wks

I bought 4 "Speckled Sussex" chicks at the feed store. They never did develop any speckles, so I started hunting through the forums and breed sites and concluded a couple of weeks ago that I must have 4 Leghorns. And, um, is one of them a roo?

Well, looking at the pics of your roo I gotta say, yes indeedy I have a roo, and for sure a Leghorn. Your roo looks just like my funny looking girl.

Not bad, out of 14 chicks to have just one mis-sexed.
well I guess I did make an oops , lol, it's not the same roo but i'd taken lots of pics but I was correct on the age they were 9 wks when that pic was taken.
Heres a pic of my WLroo at 8 weeks


As others have said, He rules the flock
these guys of mine have had noticeable combs from almost day one, some aren't quite as impressive as these two but for the most part they all have nice big fleshy combs.

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