Covatutto 16 Incubator

The Harlequin

5 Years
Dec 18, 2017
Hi, I've seen posts about this before, but no definitive answers.

We have one of these. They're Italian. Doubtless brilliant, but we have zero idea how to use it as we don't understand Italian, and the English-translation manual is absolutely comical in its inscrutability. (Those old enough to remember might recall the Monty Python parody of foreign guide books "My hovercraft is full of eels ...."!).

We've had 2 attempts now, with 10 eggs each time, and absolutely zero pipping, let alone births.

If no-one has any specific experience of how to use the Covatutto 16, perhaps a general guide to incubators ...?

I didn't any replies last time, so assume that BackYardChickenettes are far too wise to have a Covatutto 16, but posting again just in case someone, somewhere in the world, has had success with one!

Hi We kind of succeeded... 3 chickens hatched, out of 16 ! Had some trouble keeping up the humidity. Especially the last days. Filled a small sponge with water, and sprayed several times a day...
Okay I Took A Quick Look At The Link You Put Up. I Can Honestly Say I've Never Seen One Of Those . I Have A Sportsman Cabinet , A Nuture Right 360 & A Hova-bator. I Can Tell You What Temperatures Work For Me, And Humidity But Your Location Will Vary On Humidity I'm At 7500 Feet Above Sea Level So Mine Would Be Different From Yours...My Temp Throughout Incubation Are 99.5 & Humidity 45-50 % Until Day 18 Then Bump To 65%-70% Last Three Days That Works For Me. Not Sure Where Your Located But I'll Try & Help...
I have one. I set 12 eggs (6 from older birds, 6 from younger birds). Had 4 hatch - 3 from the older birds (all cockerels!) and 1 from the younger birds (pullet). I think the eggs from the younger birds all drowned, being small with hard shells. I didn't have a hygrometer so expect I drowned them, but it was first hatch and I swapped 2 cockerels for few-day-old chicks from the local hatchery.

I'm resetting the covatutto 16l with 6 araucana x eggs on a dry run as room humidity is 46%, and trying a new 'traditional' automatic incubator (no idea on brand - cheap chinese from ebay!) with a variety of brown eggs. A friend wants 4 hens to add to her flock so hopefully, as an experiment, we'll see which incy gets the best hatch rate and whether a dry run works.

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