Cover the all the run or just some?


10 Years
Oct 26, 2009
Chesapeake, VA
We are first time chicken owners. The city changed the zoning to allow 6 hens in residential areas last month. So, we just recently got 3 baby chicks (will get more later) and are about to start working on their coop and run. We are looking to give them a run that's 9ftx19ft but want to do it as cheaply as possible. We are lucky with the way our house and yard are situated because 2 sides of the run will be the house. The longest side will be up against our breezeway which has an awning. My question is should I cover the whole run or would just covering part of it be sufficient? I'm thinking maybe half of it, the half furthest from the breezeway.
Run covers can take many forms. They can be permanent, solid fixtures or they can be netting or wire. I would recommend covering the entire run with something because of hawks. I would also recommend locking your hens in their coop at night. Good luck with your flock.
I agree with sourland - hawks are a constant menace. Another consideration is chickens "flying the coop." Even when I clip my chickens wings, once in awhile I am surprised to come home and fine one wandering around the yard. Good luck to you and Happy Holidays!!
I have part of my run covered with the roofing overhang from my coop. The rest of my run was completely uncovered. Last summer I covered half of it with shade cloth to bring the temp down after I lost a bird to (what I believe was) heatstroke. The remaining 1/2 of my run had been uncovered - until this summer. i have some new birds that have proven to be great fliers and two of them "escaped" into the yard. I've since covered the remaining portion of the run with some inexpensive bird netting. It's not predator proof by any means, but it keeps the girls in.
My run is 20 feet long with 4 feet under the coop. They can go inside of the coop if they want. They generally stay out and about unless the rain is pouring heavily. Then they may get under the coop. Trees cover the approach to my run, so a predator would be unlikely to make a clean flying approach. I have strings run across the top of the 6 foot wire walls of the run to discourage a flight into the run.

The strings would also prevent a flight out of the run. But it seems that the heft of a mature chicken would prevent flying essentially straight up so high as to clear the 6 foot tall fence. The rooster flew out once, but when he was much younger and lighter.

You might check into Deer Fencing. It comes in rolls that are 7 feet tall and 100 feet in lenght, runs about 60.00 out here. Light weight and pretty easy to secure to other materials. It's a little narrower than you were thinking but you could also run it in strips and still make it 9 feet.

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