Covering Run?


11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
Shelbyville, KY
I am finishing the run now and am wondering if it is necessary to put wire over the top? the sides go up 7 ft. tall 1" chicken wire. The chickens are about 2 months old (do hawks go after adult birds?).
Yes, hawks will go after adult birds. I have a tin roof on my run. We have hawks, eagles, racoons, skunks, possoms, etc. that would either fly in or climb over so we opted for a roof.
Our chickens are only out in the run when someone is home (thats almost everyday) but while we where building the coop we saw hawks circling above so we wanted something on the top of the run (this run is just temp till we build a bigger one) So what we used has worked out great. Its a construction site debris net that we drapped over the top. on 2 sides it acctually hangs down to the ground. I dont think a hawk could fly through that.


Absolutely! Just like Farmer Kitty stated, the hawks, eagles, coons, skunks, foxes, etc... will get over your fence and get your chickens. Neighborhood dogs will get in the coop to. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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