Covering the run

I have mine covered too. We bought the bird netting stuff that you place on you trees and plants to keep them from eating the berries and that. I have all predators and my tom cat thinks he is hen and sleeps with the chickens and sleeps on the eggs . so I wanted to keep him out too. Crazy animals at my house. apparently I need to strongly suggest to my husband to cover ours:)

I will keep one of my dogs in there because she is such a good girl but my little taco bell dog loves to terrorize them and I would hate to have to kill him. Hopefully Mable will deter predators! THanks for all of the advise!
My two cents
Our run is covered with 19 gauge welded hardware cloth as well as the sides. The square holes are only 1/2 inch, so no predator can reach through, and harder for snakes to gain access.

The run is 12X18 feet and the coop is 12X14 feet. The hardware cloth fence is more expensive, but I think worth it if you have racoons, possum, wild cats, dogs, or anything that can climb. The wire was a total of about $92-but in my opinion very worth it to protect our chicken investment.

FYI: I LOVE zip ties or quick ties (the plastic strip you pull through and "zip".). They are perfect for zipping the wire together-and oh, so easy!
I vote for covering it.

I once lived in a VERY city lot, but had bird feeders in my backyard. One Saturday morning I was enjoying watching the birds and then suddenly, a big dark SWOOP came out of nowhere! The birds scattered; all but one. The hawk (I think it was a goshawk) had gotten a slow-moving female cardinal.

Never saw it again, but if a hawk would take Bo, I would be heartbroken.
We have nine hawks that hang around the farm and we have see eagles around also they live on the river right over the hill. So I cover then run but I do turn them out from time to time and let them pick new grass on the out side of the fence and to bet up the cats that stalk them
nothing like seeing a 10 lb cat run off by a 7 lb rooster

I have a 40 x 40 run and this is what I covered it with.
We used the same deer netting for our-- I bought the large one so width wise it would cover the top completely with out any extra "securing". I put it up myself in a few minutes....
my run is chain link, i had two extra panels left that i put on the top - very strong, but also very heavy! the rest of my run I used 2x4's & canvas drop cloths to cover. That way my girls have more 'covered area' in rain & in the hot sun.

I've had pretty good luck with it. although i recommend attaching it to 2x4's & (heavy gauge) staples, i zip tied one side to the chain link & every time a good gust comes through it rips the canvas.
Hmmm, I had just planned on covering the coop with the deer netting, but now I'm worried. We do have raccoons and other predators around (I've even see a fisher cat)-- will the deer fencing be enough to deter them? The girls will be shut safely in their coop at night, but I'm worried about the day time now. What do you guys think?

We just finished contructing our run (except the top) today and it looks great. I can't wait to get them outside, they are going to love it!
Raccoons, opossums, fisher cats and most four legged predators (except dogs) prey at night. You should be OK during the day with your netting over the top to keep out flying predators. Just be sure your birds get locked up at dusk. Some predators like to hunt right after dark.

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