Coyote grabbed a Chicken

I had been doing the ointment but not as consistently as the spray. I will get back to doing the ointment more often then. Thank you
How often do you apply ointment? I recommend dry time no longer then an hour, or two between first, & second application to one day(Maximum), dry time. After the one day, apply more ointment.
All this does is encourage granulation to happen, to heal properly. But you must remain consistent.

It will look something like this:

Day #1, first application, Dry time, & second application

Repeat day 2, & 3

Skip day four, then repeat the previous. It's a pattern.
I just wanted to give an update. The chicken is doing great. Wound healed over and the feathers are almost back to normal! She is back in the run and back to bossing all the other ladies around. Also, she got really spoiled for a few weeks and now thinks she is entitled to meal worms on the hour, every hour, all day. Thank you for all your help everyone!

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