Coyote killing my flock & need help (in NJ) UPDATE

People think you're making a big deal out of this? sounds like they haven't delt with coyotes much, those things are smart. I live on a farm ( NM) and I've been followed both on foot and on horseback ( the horseback incident actually involved a pack of about eight coyotes, which is rare but not un-heard of in these parts). I have to keep my chickens penned up 24/7 because of them. At night it's pretty common to hear a them howling fairly close to the house, I have 6 dogs and they just love that.
I will be following this post... I've lost 2 of my favorites in the last week, during the day, so I'm guessing coyotes... we hear them at night... quiet, sneaky critters during the day! If they'd only stand still long enough to get the rifle, load the rifle and stand still while I shoot! Darn coyotes.
So sorry you're going through this, too.
I too am completely unable to free range or my birds would be gone very quickly. We see coyotes in the daytime all the time and have had them come right to the yard. We have perimeter fencing, hot wires and a big, loud dog in the back yard and all that does help. We do shoot them any chance we get and that seems to keep the rest away for a while. But they always come back eventually, especially when they are raising pups. I keep my goats in the barn at night and cats in the house at night and chickens locked up. I've lost two cats to coyotes. And to top it all off we have a blasted neighbor a couple parcels over who actually encourages coyotes! Allows them to den at the back of her property!
This might be fine if the darn things were endangered, instead we are overrun with them.

And good luck getting any action from animal control. I don't know how they are where you are but I suspect I'd hear people falling off their chairs with laughter if I called in a coyote complaint here.
thanks for all the responses. mmaddie's mom, im sry youre going thru this as well. its very heartbreaking. i dont know which part is upsetting me more.. the fact that i may have to eliminate (kill) the coyotes who may have pups, or the fact that my favorite hen is gone.. & br64, yes my parents think im making this bigger then need be. my main concern is that my child can be hurt. not only that, but there are children all over this neighborhood, as well as cats and dogs that are walked daily. we live in an area that is known to have had sightings of them, but i dont believe there's ever been something like this. i really hope animal control takes this seriously & as horrible as i may feel at the end, i think that its best for EVERYONE..
Howdy fellow jersyite. I am right down the road from you in Howell. Hulses Corner Road. I bet the coyote you saw has visited my farm on occasion. I started out with 28 chickens and am down to 19. I havent lost one in a while tho. I have been exercising my own animal control methods. I shoot the buggers as soon as I see them. Since May I have killed 1 fox, and 5 coyotes. I am thining them out pretty good. I have only seen one this month and he was out and about way after the chickens were in bed locked up secure in the coop. NJ State law states you can kill any animal doing harm to your flock. Coyotes only need to be reported to div of fish and wildlife. Fox, coons, possum, or whatever do not need to be reported. NJ is overun with coyotes which most people don't know. I have also found that keeping a leashed dog in the yard keeps them away.

I would be more than willing to help you but I would need to be there 24/7 as they hunt day and nite which is impossible. Buy yourself a shotgun and some #4 shot shotgun shells.. Practice shooting out to 30yds. and the next time ole chicken breath comes looking for dinner send him to his maker. I know alot of people dont like the idea of killing (I dont) but your chickens depend on you to protect them.
We live pretty rural here Cow Country.But is become more and more populated.In the past local game comm. and still don't really do much about coyote and fox and We have them every year here.There are trappers and hunters I suppose but if they are killing livestock it's basicaly open game.Coyote are not a protected species here TG.I have yet to get one they seem hard to trap in live trap but cant use leg traps due to neighbors dog and our pets.So I basicaly keep the birds in at night and listen all day for any commotion and have a gun at all time's.Coon's on the other hand are dummies if you have a live trap.Hope you find a solution.
I live near a large city, and behind us is an expanse of wooded area and a train line, which has become a coyote highway through the city. I've seen them in my backyard, and can hear them at night on the rail line. Frankly, they have not bothered my chickens or any people here. They mostly feed on rabbits, the vermin around the food places, and an occasional outdoor pet (sad.) My hens are inside a closed coop and run, and only get to free range while I'm outside with them. The only hen I've lost was to a hawk, and she had wandered out of the coop door behind me. The hawk got her in about 30 seconds flat.

If your prey animals are not locked up, they are vulnerable. However, coyotes are opportunistic hunters/feeders. They tend to move on once the easiest prey is no longer available, and they actually prefer smaller animals to large ones. They are quite different from wolves. Once your chickens are locked up, they'll probably keep moving. I would bring my cats in at dusk and dawn.
Jersey, jersey, jersey!! Oh how I keep saying I love thee!

We have had a terrible fox problem this summer. Problem is I can't sit out on my patio in silence all afternoon in the hopes that they come out while I have my rifle ready to fire. If I sit out there they wont show. As soon as I go in, yup you guessed it...they're here! (that was suppose to be my poltergeist creepy voice)

I have yet to see a coyote on our property, but I know the day is coming. We go quading through hours of trails by us and we've seen them flee at night in our lights.

Something even scarier then coyotes. I think I've read it her on the BYC, but I'm not 100% sure. They are thinking of introducing the gray wolf into our domain again. what. We live on 6 acres with woods all around. I'm afraid enough with the fox problem when my 5 yo and 2 yo are playing outside.

My feeling...if you have children or livestock and you see these predators on your property, SHOOT IT!!! or trap it and then SHOOT IT!!!:
Tell your parents to do a search on the coyote attacks in Middletown, NJ if they think you are making too big a deal of this. There is no guarantee that the coyotes will not start on your cats and goats. Cats are an all time favorite. Do not let your daughter out of your sight when she is outdoors. Coyotes in NJ are habituated to people and are especially hungry this year since it is so dry. As long as there is an available source (your animals) they will stay in the area. Snares are legal in NJ. Legholds are not. I can assure you that if the alpha male or female are shot, the family will probably move on.

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