Coyote season is here and we've learned the hard lesson of that. =(


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2016
Hey All,
So my husband and I bought a 20 acre fenced ranch in North Texas back in December last year. We decided to start out ranch life with fowl to get a hang of this life style so we got five ducks in April and they have been such a joy to have around. We had four girls and one male who was a mallard. Girls-peaking, khaki, kiauga, and a black and white duck, not sure of her breed. In June we grew our bird family with two baby male turkeys. We had no idea how much personality those guys would have! They were like dogs and loved to sit on our laps and follow us around. Anyhow, so hard to talk to people about our recent loss of most of our flock due to a coyote massacre, most don't get it and think we should have been rising them to eat anyhow... I want to warn anyone out there who isn't real familiar to this ranch life style, like me, that it is now coyote season!! They breed in Jan/Feb and have their pups by end of May. By the end of Aug early Sept the pups are ready to go on hunts with mom. About six weeks ago we heard a pup who got separated from the pack. The ducks were in our back yard and were quacking loudly to let us know something wasn't right. Our two dogs also became alarmed and we all went out back to see what was going on. Didn't see the pup or the mom. Well that was about six weeks ago, should have been a warning that a new clan was in reach of our bird family. Night before last a pack of coyotes came about late dawn, they grabbed our two two month old, fairly large turkeys right off the fence where they perched and sleeping in our front yard. I guess our ducks ran out from the back yard to see what was going on. Three female ducks were still in our fenced backyard quacking loudly to alarm us. We jumped out of bed at 6:3o and look out the window and there were only three ducks yelling. We ran out front and there was our Mallard and black kiagua on the ground with their necks snapped. =( We couldn't find our turkeys at first but after walking up our driveway there was one boy eaten to pieces. We found the second dragged out near the pond in same condition. I'm so heart broken and feel so terrible that I didn't protect our birds better. They stayed in our back yard and front and never went more than a 10 yards of the house. So with this I learned that these guys need to be enclosed completely at night. So just want to let everyone out there to be aware of the coyote threat. =(
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sorry for your loss. i lost 3 ducks about 5 months ago someone let their dogs out and they came on our property and killed all 3 so now we keep our new ducks locked up at night it was a horrible lesson to learn.......again sorry for your loss
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Awe, I'm so sorry to hear that!! I hope you found the owners of the dogs and let them know what happened. Are your ducks now locked up in a full enclosure, top , all sides or just a fenced area?
Even without coyotes, you probably had other predators. I love it that these birds could spend the nights out sleeping and perching the way they would like, but the reality is what you have described -- one night of devastation from a passing predator can hurt many or all of them.

Tough lesson to learn about the challenges of letting birds roam freely but also being their protector and steward.
It does suck because you want your ducks to do their duck thing. I had 3 pekin ducks and every morning they made there rounds to all my neighbors houses and everyone loved them in my neighborhood.We all were devastated when they were killed by dogs that were let free to run from a neighborhood down the street. so with our new ducks no one gets to enjoy them but us because we have not showed them any where but the back yard but its our job to keep them safe
I'm so sorry to hear that. I thought my guys were pretty safe but not safe enough. We have a fence around our house and backyard within our property. There were a couple of wrought iron gates that they could squeeze in and out of when they wanted to go to the front yard but it wasn't large enough for a dog to fit through. They would sleep in the back or on our veranda which was literally in the house. They loved to wake at dawn and go the the front yard and graze around while the morning sun would rise. The turkeys were sleeping on/in our veranda on our patio furniture ! They were so spoiled. But until last week they started sleeping on the fence right under the crepe myrtles next to the garage, next to my husbands truck which is right next to the veranda. I feel so so completely responsible for their loss. I thought they were safe enough, I didn't think varmints would come soo close especially with our two dogs always running around. I thought maybe their scent would at least keep them out of our front yard. I know, stupid thinking. =(
I was the same way i never worried about my ducks until we got up that morning to find them scattered one in the front yard one in the backyard and one over a mile away so my new ducks have no choice they are locked away before sun down and not let out till sun rise. We live and learn so don't be to hard on yourself. I am sure like us you wanted only the best for them
I'm so sorry to hear that. I thought my guys were pretty safe but not safe enough. We have a fence around our house and backyard within our property. There were a couple of wrought iron gates that they could squeeze in and out of when they wanted to go to the front yard but it wasn't large enough for a dog to fit through. They would sleep in the back or on our veranda which was literally in the house. They loved to wake at dawn and go the the front yard and graze around while the morning sun would rise. The turkeys were sleeping on/in our veranda on our patio furniture ! They were so spoiled. But until last week they started sleeping on the fence right under the crepe myrtles next to the garage, next to my husbands truck which is right next to the veranda. I feel so so completely responsible for their loss. I thought they were safe enough, I didn't think varmints would come soo close especially with our two dogs always running around. I thought maybe their scent would at least keep them out of our front yard. I know, stupid thinking. =(

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