Cracked Beak?

Texas Chicky

7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
I have a banty chicken that cracked her beak. My mom took her to the vet and our vet glued her beak and told us to hand feed her if possible and not to let her peck at the ground. How long should we keep her inside? Is our vet right... I cant help worrying.
Probably no cause to worry. The cracked beak happens occasionally, and if the vet didn't see anything dangerous when they examined your girl, she'll probably be just fine. Some folks just put the glue on and then release them back to the run, so keeping her indoors is being cautious. Keep her inside for a week or so, and look at the beak to see if it's growing together at the crack, or if it's growing out. A crack further up the beak is more troublesome than those closer to the end, but most birds bounce right back. Beaks are like fingernails, and damaged parts that do not heal back together tend to get grown out. She should be back to normal in a few weeks. Good luck.

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