
Craigslist has a "no animals" policy that is poorly enforced. You might get told that you cannot post there, just so you know.

Freecycle is great to get a new home for an animal, but it must be free or trade.

All these places come with the possibility of fraud. Always be extremely careful.

Last week I met up with a gal who I found on craigsslist who was selling cornish x's she had raised-- they were all dressed & frozen-- I bought 10 of them. Yum!!!
I treid to post cornsih x once in the farm and garden section. Kept getting flagged. I guess there are too many prefer commercial bleached chickens in the seattle area.

You can post animals on craigs list in this area, just has to not be sale or breeding.

It is only patroled by the community.
I posted my extra chicks on Craigs list and had great success. I did get flagged. The trick seems to be putting them in the "pet" section and not mentioning anything about money. Then when the person e-mails you make arrangements about money. I think they are trying to avoid puppy mills etc. We have had great luck with Craigs List.
If you were within the rules of CL, it was your competitors that flagged you. On an add that dont get alot of views, it is easy to flag and get something pulled. I had one of my egg adds get pulled, after searching the site further, I found out I was the cheapest seller of free range eggs. Hmmm, wonder why I got flagged....

Try putting another add up but reword it. Sometimes when you see the very simple and short adds saying to email for more details, they have had problems getting flagged so they just have interested people email for the full story.
Yeah, I have successfully used the pet section for chicks and roosters and pullets. I did eggs once and got too many responses! I have a small customer base now of weekly people. I've reworded things and sometimes they get by and it works. After being flagged twice for the same product (meat) written with two different names and two slightly different locations in the area, I decided I'll just stick with word of mouth. I got paranoid of someone replying saying they want some but having other ideas in mind because animals deserve to live or something.

Oh, and in our area, we are supposed to post adoption fee with animal postings and say you are not selling them.
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Yep, I found homes for my extra chicks by not charging for them. I would have liked money, but oh well: I guess I understand their desire not to start a "meat market."

Craig's list has been great for me. But I live in a smallish town (outside of one, actually) -- I'd be a bit more wary in a big city.

I also bought a great bookshelf on it once -- when I showed up at their house to buy it, it turned out I knew the people. I love that kind of thing...

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