Crazy Red Star


7 Years
Sep 25, 2012
Canton, Ohio
She tries to get in the house very morning to lay her egg. I don't know why. She fusses and fusses for a couple of hours, begging at the front door. She will finally lay in a crate that I set up on the front porch trying to appease her. Why won't this girl lay in the nest boxes in the coop like the rest of them? I have had a couple in odd spots when the girls first start, but after they figure out what's going on they use the nest boxes. Not this lady, though. One of these days I'm sure my daughter is going to let her in the house to lay when I'm not home.
If they don't free range 24 hours a day, try keeping them in the run until later in the day to give her a chance to have to lay in the nest.

They do free range all day. She is higher in the pecking order so I don't think it's a matter of the other hens making her wait to use a favored nest. She actually brought a few hens up and showed them her nest on the porch. Thankfully none of them seem interested. It just baffles me as to why she begs to be let in the house. They were brooded in the basement but put out quite young, and never let out in the house.

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