Cream Legbar Pictures

Thanks for the specifics.... I am putting it on the shopping list -- because it really sounds like it solves the problem of goop that Vaseline causes. I remember the first time I did it -- and was in the coop --going: "Okay how much Vaseline goes on the comb -- BYC where are you now..."

Your vet sounds very cool......

It also sounds like you give those chickens the spa treatment.... Can I make an appointment for mine - and what are your rates? ;O)

Love your avatar..and I bet that your chickens are really healthy and well cared for. Lucky ducks -- I mean chooks.

Sorry, I'm booked for appointments

I was thinking to use Vaseline on the hens' legs/toes as a mite preventative health maintenance once a month since mites will suffocate from the application and I'm paranoid to avoid lice/mites. But after the messy breast feathers from using the Vaseline just once I was discouraged. Had to take my OCD Silkie to my vet because she pulled out some toenails and bleeds her toes when she scratches so violently in the nestbox (we had to plexiglass the nestbox bottoms to avoid splinters). I told the vet I used Vaseline for keeping her toes soft and wrapped in booties and that's when he recommended the Vit A or E oils to use on all our hens' feet, legs, toes, combs, wattles, beaks - for added health benefit as well as keeping their skin from being so dry from dust baths. I have to keep trimming the Silkies' fifth toes so might as well Vit E massage at the same time. I don't need to mess with booties anymore to keep their breast feathers clean overnight. The Vit E just absorbs into their skin and feathers without leaving a heavy grease residue everywhere. It absorbs so nicely and quickly into the legs/toes I hardly need to blot any excess before putting the hens back to roost.

Hey, this is easy maintenance when I only have 3 hens. Next Spring I hope to add two Breda (feathered feet) to my flock. If my DH didn't help I'd only have a couple chickens but he is so-o-o helpful with chicken chores and maintenance that we will go the allowed zoned 5 hens next year.
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Yep it does sound like your chickens have it good. I have to say that having fewer is a nice chicken experience and totally different from having LOTS. You can really know what each one needs and when. I had a brooder full of 8 (7-females and one male) this spring - and I have to say that it was really difficult to even tell them apart -- They were destined to go elsewhere -- but they didn't even get names or numbers... No personalized care there. It sounds like that product really is good - I used a poultry protector spray on my older hens -- it was supposed to last for 3-months to protect them from scaley leg mites. I don't think I've ever had them - and I have heard that there is a natural roughening of older hens leg scales (not mites - just rougher than chicks, pullets and young hens) -- I have seen pictures of those mites and they are awful. It is so nice to have time and help to give each chicken individual attention.
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Had my DH look and he's says 3 boys and 1 girl too.
I was hoping for 2-3 hens. I guess this is my excuse to try incubating eggs as I've never done it before. I lucked out with a broody this time.
Did your broody have a good hatch rate for the Cream Legbars? Was she sitting on just 4 CL eggs or a few more? Just for the record since there has been some discussion on hatch rates. Thanks!
wow speedy -
you got a good hatch rate. Those chicks are soooo so cute. (drool) -- I'm setting eggs today or tomorrow.... hope to get some as cute as those little fuzzies when 3-weeks have rolled past.

Thanks for posting the babies!!!

My star performer is from GFF line C which is the same as green legband I believe.

My are from line A, B or Both. Will contact the lady that I purchased the eggs from to confirm. I just can't wait to hatch some this winter. According to GFF, the earlier line produce lot of blue egg but more chestnut color and floppy comb.

Here is some information that I can find.

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