Cream Legbar Pictures

Oh no! I didn't know that. I just saw the sight & thought it was a wonderful for ppl that live in the city. Plus, the video they had on their site of a rooster crowing was pretty
Thank you Sylvester017 :)

Someone posted that the rooster collar is nothing more than a strip of self adhering velcro easily home-made out of a roll of purchased fabric velcro rather than paying a higher price for the pre-made collar. The trick about the "simple" collar is to experiment adjusting it tighter/looser and higher/lower on the rooster's neck until the desired result is achieved. The collar has to be used daily starting with a loose fit and gradually tightening/adjusting it each day until you're happy with the results. The collar doesn't stop the crowing but sort of muffles the sound. Some people who have tried the collars said their roos kind of gave up trying to crow and got depressed and sadly stopped their cocky strutting. Don't know how well it works but I wouldn't recommend velcro around fluffy Silkie necks - those fluffy feathers stick like crazy on the velcro. I used some velcro on chicken diaper shoulder straps and had to remove it and use a large safety pin to hold the straps together because the fur kept sticking horribly to the velcro. As for the rooster collars I don't have roos and never had a need to try one but if someone really wants to keep their roo without bothering neighbors anything is worth a try.

BTW - your avatar is cute!
Im new to BYC and just found this thread we have 2 CLs and thought id share a few pic of them



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They are lovely! Welcome to the Cream Legbar threads. How do you like them so far?

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