Cream Legbar Pictures

And this is male chick number 2 again I think the contrast of another chick by his side would have been better.

Thought that I had already posted these guys...oh - I bet that's in my blog -- okay -- the mind wobbles.

Caught this today -- one grow out is more 'black&white' -- he comes from my line that I was thinking is over melanized -- but now I'm wondering if he won't grow up to have crisper barring, the other one is from a different parent and has a more pale/blended barring. So I'm going to grow them out to adulthood.

They look like two little dinosaurs there....earlier they each had a beak resting on the board...but of course I had to go back and get the camera....darker chick has bigger crest and already pleated the front of his comb more - as one would expect.
That's so funny, I was SO thinking that they looked like dinosaurs in the first photo...

Lovely boys...

- Ant Farm
It took forever but I think I finally got a few pics saved to my comp. The pics didn't capture the color too well. Next time I will do a side by side with a more gray and white male chick for contrast. He still has a little chick down on his neck because he is under 5 weeks. same as chick in the next post.

This is CL male chick number 1

I really like these crest pictures and his comb is holding up well so far.
Know what?  I would really like to see some pictures of older CL -- way older -- like those 3-years and above -- anyone have them?

 How many have had the breed for that long?  Do you still have your 'originals?'  I know that some folks do.  It would be very interesting to see how they age...what changes etc. 


BTW - the Newsletter for the Cream Legbar Club is in the 'Clubhouse' - under publications -- look for Vol 3 No 1 -- 2015's first publication is there, along with the archives of old newsletters from the Club.  Thanks to Carol Flaming the new editor...hats off. 

Carol Flaming is Flaming Chicken on BYC. Thanks for the plug! I will be putting together the next newsletter in June. Please send me any great pictures or articles!
HI all! Is there anything you can do about a floppy comb? It isn't a desirable trait, right? Do you just cull the birds with it or ?? It seems I have a few cockerels with floppy comb which is upsetting considering how much I paid for them.
Are you showing cockerels at APA meets? If so then floppy combs will be a problem as APA lists it as a general defect on cockerels and cocks for ALL single combed breeds.

If not then a floppy comb is really just personality.

You can't buy a perfect bird. Especially if you are buying hatching eggs, chicks, or juvenile stock. If you are looking for more certainty you can try to find breeding stock to purchase. Breeding stock is hard to find and yes very high dollar birds. The reason they cost some much is that a breeder may have to grow out 10 birds just to get one breeder. If you assume that the purchase of 10 day old cream Legbar chicks is $250 and the cost to grow them out and house them for 18 months is an additional $250. You are looking at $500 that a breeder has invested into just one brood hen (not to mention their labor rate).

In every breed out there there are very accomplished breeders that wouldn't sell breeding stock no matter what the price. They spend tens of thousands of dollars growing out hundreds of birds a year over decades to get their flock to where it is and feel that their time and effort is too valuable to sell to someone that hasn't shared any of the burden. Ironically you will rarely hear any of those people complain about getting stock from other people that have floppy combs or other defects. They understand that even the most refined lines out there still have defects and so they don't worry to much about the culls. They are expecting to have to cull 90% of anything they bring in and are just looking for 1-2 good ones out of a group that they can work with.
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