Cream Legbar Pictures

Got this email from Greenfire Farms this morning re their pre-July holiday sale:

White Pavlovskaya
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
Lavender Wyandotte
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
$59 ea $19 ea $40 ea
$59 ea $19 ea $40 ea
Black Copper Marans
$59 ea $19 ea $40 ea
Bielefelder Pullet
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
Cream Legbar Pullet
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
Swedish Flower Hens
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
Got this email from Greenfire Farms this morning re their pre-July holiday sale:

White Pavlovskaya
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
Lavender Wyandotte
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
$99 ea $29 ea $70 ea
$59 ea $19 ea $40 ea
$59 ea $19 ea $40 ea
Black Copper Marans
$59 ea $19 ea $40 ea
Bielefelder Pullet
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
Cream Legbar Pullet
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
Swedish Flower Hens
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
$29 ea $19 ea $10 ea
GFF has East Frisian Gulls and expanding into their own line of Silvers, have imported new line of Ayam Cemani - they have 4 bloodlines now, and have implemented a new order-taking technology program.

I had a CLB who was laying shelless eggs. I kind of just wrote her off, my daughter's favorite was probably stressed from the handling and I didn't expect eggs from her after that. She ran off a few weeks ago, but she'd appear once a day or two. Suddenly, yesterday, she comes back with nearly a dozen chicks! A second pullet had disappeared, and I'd thought she'd gotten too close to a neighbor's dog. Nope, she also has two chicks! (I think they may have shared a broody nest in the woods, and the one just ended up with more) During this time, one of my two remaining pullets went broody on the nesting box. It took me a few days to realize it, so she's setting on just one egg for her trial of motherhood.

The one with so many chicks turned out to be a pretty awesome mother. She's letting the other birds near unless they mess with her chicks, then it's a flying ninja kick! She's letting me and the kids hold them as long as the chicks are happy, and she's training the chicks that it's okay to eat from our hands. Her buddy, though, with the two chicks is way skittish about being near anyone. She takes her babies back into the woods if we try to get a clear view of them. Good mothering instincts, just would like her less skittish.

I thought this was supposed to be a less broody breed! 3/4 happily becoming mothers all at once, though, makes me question it. How's your experience with bloodiness been?

I had a CLB who was laying shelless eggs. I kind of just wrote her off, my daughter's favorite was probably stressed from the handling and I didn't expect eggs from her after that. She ran off a few weeks ago, but she'd appear once a day or two. Suddenly, yesterday, she comes back with nearly a dozen chicks! A second pullet had disappeared, and I'd thought she'd gotten too close to a neighbor's dog. Nope, she also has two chicks! (I think they may have shared a broody nest in the woods, and the one just ended up with more) During this time, one of my two remaining pullets went broody on the nesting box. It took me a few days to realize it, so she's setting on just one egg for her trial of motherhood.

The one with so many chicks turned out to be a pretty awesome mother. She's letting the other birds near unless they mess with her chicks, then it's a flying ninja kick! She's letting me and the kids hold them as long as the chicks are happy, and she's training the chicks that it's okay to eat from our hands. Her buddy, though, with the two chicks is way skittish about being near anyone. She takes her babies back into the woods if we try to get a clear view of them. Good mothering instincts, just would like her less skittish.

I thought this was supposed to be a less broody breed! 3/4 happily becoming mothers all at once, though, makes me question it. How's your experience with bloodiness been?
Love your story.

If the pullet/hen had a mother that went broody -- it is more likely that the daughter will also have a tendency to go broody. -- (from Gail Damerow's book I think)---- I have one hatch chicks and a daughter that one hatched a clutch. I had another one that I thought was broody-- but I messed with her to get the right eggs into incubation -- and she broke broody -- I let her accumulate eggs hoping she would be inspired. After a pile of 16 eggs with occasional sitting on them and clucking -- I tossed them all -- and that one hasn't shown signs again of being broody. I have yet another one that if I am late collecting the eggs and go in at night --she is on the egg -- and squwaks and flares her hackles at me while I take the egg...... It's a toss up -- but this must be the season.

I have a friend that got pullets from me - at POL - and this year -- they tag-teamed brooding eggs -- there are three Cream Legbars - and some other mixed chickens -- I don't know if the mixed were part of the tag-team -- but she now has 14 new chicks. 'Tis the season. I consider broodiness an advantage.

Congratulations on your chicks...especially the ones from Miss-shell-less.
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Love your story.

If the pullet/hen had a mother that went broody -- it is more likely that the daughter will also have a tendency to go broody. -- (from Gail Damerow's book I think)---- I have one hatch chicks and a daughter that one hatched a clutch. I had another one that I thought was broody-- but I messed with her to get the right eggs into incubation -- and she broke broody -- I let her accumulate eggs hoping she would be inspired. After a pile of 16 eggs with occasional sitting on them and clucking -- I tossed them all -- and that one hasn't shown signs again of being broody. I have yet another one that if I am late collecting the eggs and go in at night --she is on the egg -- and squwaks and flares her hackles at me while I take the egg...... It's a toss up -- but this must be the season.

I have a friend that got pullets from me - at POL - and this year -- they tag-teamed brooding eggs -- there are three Cream Legbars - and some other mixed chickens -- I don't know if the mixed were part of the tag-team -- but she now has 14 new chicks. 'Tis the season. I consider broodiness an advantage.

Congratulations on your chicks...especially the ones from Miss-shell-less.
I have had one Legbar go broody, also isolated. Interestingly in comparison, 4 out of 6 BCMs are broody or raising chicks. :) Congratulations on the chicks.
Love your story.  

If the pullet/hen had a mother that went broody -- it is more likely that the daughter will also have a tendency to go broody.  -- (from Gail Damerow's book I think)----   I have one hatch chicks and a daughter that one hatched a clutch.  I had another one that I thought was broody-- but I messed with her to get the right eggs into incubation -- and she broke broody -- I let her accumulate eggs hoping she would be inspired.  After a pile of 16 eggs with occasional sitting on them and clucking -- I tossed them all -- and that one hasn't shown signs again of being broody.  I have yet another one that if I am late collecting the eggs and go in at night --she is on the egg -- and squwaks and flares her hackles at me while I take the egg...... It's a toss up -- but this must be the season.

I have a friend that got pullets from me - at POL - and this year -- they tag-teamed brooding eggs -- there are three Cream Legbars - and some other mixed chickens -- I don't know if the mixed were part of the tag-team -- but she now has 14 new chicks.  'Tis the season.  I consider broodiness an advantage. 

Congratulations on your chicks...especially the ones from Miss-shell-less. 


I'm not sure about the mother, I ordered the eggs online and hatched the CLBs in my incubator. I'm very happy about the brood, though, as we had a poorer hatching rate than I'd hoped for (about 25%, which isn't terrible for shipped eggs). The tag-teaming seems like a healthy way to hatch a good size clutch, too.
Maybe 2016 will be the year that a Cream Legbar will be chosen for the BYC calendar....what do y'all think? I would love to see a pair of chicks or a broody and babies-- maybe a cockerel and pullet on one of the pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is info---- all you shutterbugs -- dust off those cameras and put our breed 'on the map' .

This message is from Rob Ludlow - aka Nifty Chicken who founded the BYC Forum --->

We need your BEST Chicken Pics!!!

It's already time for us to start getting your pictures for the 2016 BYC Calendar!

We're getting getting started even earlier this time to make sure everyone gets a chance to enter their pics into the contest! We're not sure when we're going to close off the submissions, but we'll definitely keep everyone posted in this thread once we determine a submission deadline.

Submit your pictures to this next year's calendar:

1) Find a HIGH RESOLUTION (at LEAST 3,000 pixels wide & 2,000 pixels tall) picture that is very clear, clean, and doesn't have people in it.
2) Reply and upload your picture to this thread.
3) No watermarks, text, etc. on the image
4) By submitting your pictures you agree that you are granting BYC license to edit and use the images in the calendar, promotions, and for other BYC purposes, etc.
5) Limit of 2 submissions per user, so choose your very best pictures!!

Remember, make sure you have a clear high resolution image (at LEAST 3,000 pixels wide and 2,000 pixels tall... but even higher resolution is better)! Our system will create a thumbnail of your image, but the full sized image is still maintained and kept on our system.

Here is an image of our 2011 calendar pics:


Looking forward to your wonderful picture submissions!!!


A few notes:
  1. We've been known to send a free calendar to those who get their pics chosen... so, maybe it will happen again this year.
  2. Remember, only 2 submissions per member, and make sure you upload VERY HIGH RESOLUTIONimages that we can use for print!
  3. Regarding copyright & license: We are very sensitive and careful about respecting copyright of other peeps' work. We want to make sure we have your permission to use the photo for the calendar and for other BYC related uses. You retain ownership of your image and can continue to use it however you want. By submitting your pictures to this thread you are simply granting BYC license to use the images for BYC related purposes.

Regarding contest timing, judging, etc:

Once we get a lot of submissions we'll begin the judging process. Here's how the judging process will probably work:

  1. Our team will go through and filter out all the submissions that don't meet the requirements for the calendar (takes about two weeks after the deadline for submissions)
  2. We'll gather all the links to the images together and we'll go through and rate the pictures (I'm guessing it will probably be around 100+ pictures and take a couple weeks)
  3. Once all the pictures are rated, our team will review the top submissions and choose the 13+ images that will end up in the calendar. (about a week)
  4. Then the images go into the design and printing process and head into our store (about 3-5 weeks)
  5. We hope to have the calendars in our store by the end of October!

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