Cream Legbar Pictures

Girl from a previous hatch. No head dot but not a perfect V either.
Here is some chicks I just hatched from my pair of Cream Legbars. I really like the down color of my boy. My girls are dark but they have the yellow dot too. Problem or no big deal?

I'm growing out Silver Laced Wyandotte and Delawares for Sexlinked chicks. Down color is all that matters for that right?


Hi Amy,
are you sure that they aren't both boys? look at the face of the one you think is female, and see if there is a very distinct V above the beak. .
That looks like a cockerel from the front. He has no definitive striping. Where is the forehead v? Is there eye markings?

the top pick is a basket of cockerels. The lower one is a lineup of pullets.
I really appreciate you all helping me with this. Here is an eye view of the darker chick. I never realized there could be so much variation. I'm not a breeder... But if I was, what chick traits would be best?

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