Cream Legbar Pictures

My juvenile Cream Legbar boys all roost together. Along with a Cream Legbar hen, a F1 Wybar hen, and a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen.


My Crele pullet from Ruby Jolene Davis in Texas
She is not laying (7 months) Neither is Barnevelder pullet same age though
Other than being Crele, everything else about her (barring egg color since have no clue) is super super nice
Tail carriage, wing carriage, body shape, crest, personality etc so she is staying
Here's a pic from today
You can also see my poor frostbitten roo he looks bad but he feels all better now back to his normal self
I can say they are golden crele boys. Floppy combs are the hard thing with this breed. The aim is to have a decent sized crest and a decent sized comb and have them be straight, but there is only so much room up there. The guy on the bottom pics has a big white maintail feather, that's a fault.
Your guy with the straight comb has a tiny crest.
I think I like the top left rooster best. He's got a decent balance, good looking comb and crest, great pearly white earlobes. They all have tucked up wings, which is good.does that upper left guy have a white main tail feather too? That feather is a bummer but you can breed it out. It should be barred like your cockerel in the second pic. I'd like a picture of that upper left one's tail?
@HARRY47264 that's because it was about yellow legs and squirrel tail. In the screen shot I include the threads name. It's post #2. Check it out.

Your boys are more Crele/gold than cream. Here is another cool thread too check out.

Also here's some helpful pictures.




I can tell you in my studies of this breed there is verifying %'s of the amount of recessive cream that shows. Some like there birds to be almost whitish while others like more color. I'm in the middle personally. Pick what you like, fund the clients that are like minded, and then work to perfection, lol. Good luck!
@HARRY47264 that's because it was about yellow legs and squirrel tail. In the screen shot I include the threads name. It's post #2. Check it out.

Your boys are more Crele/gold than cream. Here is another cool thread too check out.

Also here's some helpful pictures.

I can tell you in my studies of this breed there is verifying %'s of the amount of recessive cream that shows. Some like there birds to be almost whitish while others like more color. I'm in the middle personally. Pick what you like, fund the clients that are like minded, and then work to perfection, lol. Good luck!

Thank you sooooooo much for posting this!! I got one of my chickens as a mystery chick, and mostly people have been telling me that she is a cream legbar, but looking at pictures on the internet, I could never persuade myself to think that she really was a cream legbar. Now seeing your post that some cream legbars look different and have different styling of feathers in a way, you have finally convinced me that my girl is a cream legbar.

Thank you so much, I look forward to those beautiful blue eggs.

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