Cream Legbar rooster?

Guess I’m in the cream legbar breeding game now 😅
Well.. not anything high quality.. with only a single hatchery quality pair to breed from. That's back yard mating.. but not even close to "breeding". Sorry, I'm sure that sounds rude, and my intent is only friendly.. I hope you're enjoying BYC! :frow

Some haven't even been selected well enough to maintain the auto sexing trait.. maybe why the cockerel was included with the pullets?? Do you have pics from when they were littler? Yes though, you're definitely correct about having one of each gender.. noting for informational purposes.. that until one year of age they're technically known as cockerel and pullet.. mostly important when discussing behavioral or health issues. We (my family) do still commonly refer to them as hens or roos.. in casual conversation though.

Cream Legbars are auto sexed males will be barred and female’s will be solid
Females are also barred (less distinctively and there's tons of poor quality CCL regarding SOP these days).. it's the color distinction at hatch.. dark females, light males with the males having the head spot and females not having it.. example from google..



You can see the barring well on this hen..

wow your tsc sells sexed birds???
Mine sells both sexed and straight run, depending on what they ordered and what was available from hatchery.. (Hoover's for my local tsc)

The hatchery however sends plenty of mislabeled or mis sexed chicks.. and the tsc employees often accidentally mix their bins up.

Bantams are the only ones that have never arrived sexed thus far (as well as always "assorted" and never a specific breed, that I have seen). Not sure about their ducks and geese.. but there's ALWAYS extra waterfowl.. and the chicks are almost always sold out.. plus my local TSC has a 4 chick minimum, 2 for waterfowl.

which is the cockerel?
Yep, it's the light one, like your avatar. :)
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