Creating a new breed

I'm going to try to get some Chcolate Polish in the standard size with the frizzle gene out of my bantam chocolate frizzle Roo and standard size hens... Can't wait until he is old enough to make babies....
I have a pen w 1 black bantam turken roo, 1 blue bantam turken roo, 1 OEG chocolate bantam hen, & 1 LF OEG chocolate hen. What results do ya'll think I will get w colors? So excited!
This is something I have wondered a lot about. I am afraid that to tackle it I would need more brain power than I have. I know if I wanted to try this, and make it more than a one or two time cross that got forgotten by anyone but me, that I would need to study and learn A LOT about genetics, heredity, dominence etc.
But here is where I am at with it. I have the greatest hen. She is an EE from a hatchery. She is going on 6 years and up until this year laid a huge green egg everyday. This year she has cut back to about 4 a week and is starting to show signs of age. She is so darn pretty every chick customer that comes to my house wants chicks from her or to buy her outright. She is also smart and funny and one of our best personality birds.
So for a backyard breed we have
1. superior egg laying ability
2. longevity
3. attractive cariage and coloring
4. docile entertaining personality

I would like to make a smart breeding with her, she is getting older and won't last forever. But to what? and how do you cross back etc? and howmany gerneations do you carry on until you have dominent genes and not hybredization (sp?)
I guess I should go get a poultry science degree, but I really just want to breed Roy(yes HER name is Roy) sucessfully and wisely.
So how about some advice and direction? I will be happy to listen.
Here is a pic of my best girl:

You could breed her to her grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren... She is beautiful, I would not want to lose her, either. Use her the most of any bird in the breeding program and she should "stay alive".
I'm going to create a breed that I think will have conditions to be the most popular in the world, will have my surname as name just like Sebright did, and will be a healthy prolific egg layer.

Let me know, what is your favorite egg color?

Does anyone know how many breeders must have the breed, so that it can be able to be considered a breed by the American Poultry Association?

This is somehow similar to the look I'm searching for. It's a wild bird picture.

Just wait for it!
This is an interesting thread.

I hope to see people working towards having every chicken colour, available in every chicken breed. In that way,people can get the colour they want in the breed that best matches the characteristics that they desire.

Thanks to people of vision, the many breeds of chickens we already have are being shown in an ever-increasing variety of colours. I like experimentation, and I like dreaming "what if".

Some day, I want to produce henny-feathered, laced wyandottes in a variety of colours. .

I am probably going to start on that side project this year.
Haha, if I don't end up with an Orloff cockerel in this batch, I'm planning on using my Buff Chantecler.

They will be O'clers.

Edited to add: I actually am planning on running the Chantecler with the spangled Orloffs and my three Buff Brahmas for a while next spring and seeing what I get in a hatch out, breeding the best of each cross to each other. My goal would be a very large, extremely cold hardy dual purpose breed. The Chantecler meet these requirements pretty closely, but I love the coloring and furnishings on the other two breeds. (Beards, muffs, feathered feet.) I would select first for grow out rates and small combs, and then for the beards/muffs, paying no attention to color at this point. From that group, I would select for rate of maturity and egg laying for a couple of generations, and then I guess I would just have to wait and see what we have! At that point, I'd be tempted to add Ameraucanas into the mix for the colored egg gene and to improve the beards and muffs if I started to lose them. Depending on how the growth rates are going, I may also be looking to add a breed to jump start that improvement, or simultaneously be working on a Ameraucana X Buckeye or BR cross and use the best roo with the best growth rate and beard/muff on all my hens.

Geez, I've put too much thought into this already and I've still got so far to go!
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Maybe breed her back to a really exceptional Buff Ameraucana roo? Work on getting her wonderful traits into your own strain of an existing breed, instead of reinventing the wheel on this one.

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