Creating Golden Duckwing


15 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Pensacola, Florida
I'm trying to find the best way to create golden duckwing birds. It seems that I can breed partridge to silver penciled and the breed an impure silver back to silver penciled hens. I'd appeciate any advice I can get. Also, I'd like to find some Silver Penciled Standard Plymouth Rocks.
What do you want, true breeding Golden Duckwing or pseudo look alikes that will not breed true?
If the first you need to breed in the Inhibitor of Gold ig into wildtype Partridge Duckwing, if the latter a Silver Duckwing X Partridge will do,
psst.. in the USA "partridge" often refers to eb or as in the birds with the "show type" pencilling on hens as in Partridge Rocks. e+ usually are called variously, red duckwing, black breasted red, or "Light Brown" in some breeds such as Light Brown Leghorns.

I'd like to know a common breed known to have ig? Especially a clean leg single combed one(besides any longtails) Is there a way to visually determine if a rooster is igig or a 'faux gold duckwing' if parents are not known?
Hobby names
Partridge (on eb) is pencilled as in Wyandotte & Rocks
Partridge (on e+) is Duckwing, hen has a salmon breast.
Golden Duckwing are an e+ bird.
ig is found in Dutch bantams

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