Creating muscovy flock

Thanks for all the info everyone. I will post pics of the ducks tomorrow. I'm actually wondering if one isn't a mix, he is all brown with lines along the breast.

So looks like I will be getting another hen or two, if they are all males but one. I'm glad that I can keep the flock small. We have the room for more birds, 5 acres. Its just Im a big fan of salamanders, frogs, and garter snakes. I have read that Muscovies are not picky and will make short work of everything.

One thing I have been noticing is that they are spirited little poopers and was warned about the how loud it can be, kinda funny. But their cuteness quickly makes up for it.
Mine are always happy to see me as well with a wagging tail and will even peep for me. So far they are good about going to bed. I don't let them free range all the time, yet. Only when I am home. I lost my first group too the ravens and I am always counting the duckies.

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