Creative Nesting Box placement? Space issue?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 26, 2012
So we have a coop that I really like... that I want to put most of this spring's newbies in... But there are two problems.

1) the old ladies (what I call them) will insist on staying in this coop... I've tried moving them before but eventually I break down and let them live in it again... So it will be slightly more cramped than I'd like. I'm not worried about comfort or roosting space... It's actually quite tall and they are literally hardly in there. They're let out early and go in late, summer and winter. But... I can't figure out how to rearrange the nesting boxes... they seem to take up sooo much space. It is built with a cattle panel and chicken wire, with tarp/roofing on top... But does have a wood front and back. So I'm wondering if I should put the nesting boxes sticking out the back side? There's a door in the middle but they might fit on each side?

So is there designs or a kit or something for doing this? Or otherwise does anyone else have a creative idea for putting next boxes in without taking up space?


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