Creative Pond Ideas???


Heavenly Hollow Ranch
10 Years
Jun 11, 2009
Shadow Hills, CA
I don't really want a kiddie pool in my back yard (not THAT big of an issue, but I'd like for it to look like a pond not a play yard)... Does any one have any good ideas on how to make my ducks swimming area look nice? Pics would help too
Thanks so much!
Take either a kiddie pool, or an decorative fish pond and bury it, so they can slide off in it like a real pond, and it looks neat. At one point, we also dug a hole and neatly lined it with black plastic. It looked really good and they liked it. You could put rocks around it to dress it up more too.
we found two of those preformed pond liners on craigslist. didn't cost us too much and i think it looks pretty good.


i will look and see if i have shot that is from further back...
we didn't do a drain. thought about it, but too much work!
we have one pump in it that has a tee. one side goes to the spout waterfall in the top pond and the other side goes to the skippy filter. you can kinda see the skippy on the left of the first picture. my husband rigged it so we can put a plug deal in the spout with a hose attached to it to pump out the pond. it doesn't get all the way to the bottom so we use a shop vac to get the bottom muck. we only have the two mini ducks right now, so no, it doesn't get very dirty very fast, but its really not very hard to pump out so i don't mind it. you can see in the pics that the water was pretty green, but now that the skippy is doing its job, it looks much clearer.
I used the Lil Tikes turtle that usually goes to sand. They use it but seem to like my kids kiddie pool better even if there are kids in it.

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