Creativity behind your screen names....

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Wow...these are fabulous...keep em coming
the story behind mine chickenbottom was i think chickens bottoms are cute and my older sister had a boyfriend named hickenbotham and i couldnt pronounce it so i would call im chicken bottom
I really enjoyed the movie "Momma Mia." The group Abba
was popular when I was a teen & young lady. I like the song
"Chiquitita." I love the way they performed it in the movie.

Keeta........Guineas are called keets
and it sounds like the song title.

One day I will see Momma Mia on Broadway.
I got the name from my grand daughter Belle. Chicken chicken bulk bulk is what she called chickens when she was 3 years old. We have no idea where she came up with this name. That is my story and Iam stickin to it!!
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