Crookneck sparrow.. recovered thanks to BYC!!

What a sweet story! Be very, very careful of things like Avian flu - often these little guys have these neurological issues because they are carrying something - by all means keep it quarantined from your chickens (if you have them)

Good luck with him (her)!
Oh, I have kept him away from the girls because they have been known to eat baby birds they stumble across.. yes, eat them. Ack! Of course he is bigger now so I don't worry too much about that, but don't really want to find out.
I like the idea of the hanging cage - but with the door CLOSED. We rescued a female brewer's blackbird. Our psycho neighbor SHOT her wing OFF! We kept her in a hanging cage on the front porch. The boys would come and sing and display to her. It was very sweet and sad. She was an adult when we got her, so she didn't appreciate human attention, but she lived for 3 years in that cage!
What a wonderful story - it will make a great little pet.

It's amazing what vitamins can do to cure crookneck. Good for you for taking the time to care.
When I was a teenager my brother brought home a little baby sparrow that had just a little bit of fuzz on her, we called her peeper-pretty ugly, looked like a turtle from what I remember. Not knowing anything about raising birds we fed her mom's home made bread and milk. Well, the little bugger thrived, don't ask me how other than my mom's bread was fantastic stuff! Anyway, she would ride on our shoulders, eat cheerios with me-she'd sit on my spoon and eat the cheerios out of the spoon-hey I was young then and didn't worry about germs! I would take her out and help her learn to fly, she was so proud on her first flying/hopping expedition! Anyway, long story short, she started within a few days flying farther and farther away and then would not come close to us anymore, would just peep at us from a distance. She was able to adapt to the wild and while we really missed her, she was where she belonged and was able to make the transition. So it is possible, yours may be able to make it too.
Peeper-pretty ugly, ha ha, that is funny! Before the fledge they really are the ugliest little cute things you will ever see!

Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and advice. It has been an interesting adventure - for me and for Tordu!
we had a chick with crookneck, we treated her the same way and three years later she just became a Mommy for the first time (she hatched out one chick so far) She is beautiful and healthy & it looks like your little guy is the same.
What a wonderful story! I hope he is able to have the best of both worlds, knowing you & enjoying the wild!
Congrats, Kelly!

yesterday my sister called and asked if I could talk her through rescuing another nestling that was found in her neighbor's driveway. Looks to be a finch by the pictures. So far so good! Must be the season for falling out of nests.

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