Crop Worms


May 2, 2022
I have a 8mo old chocolate Orpington I am treating for worms. She’s lost a good deal of weight and been acting off/lethargic. Not eating as much as usual. Poop doesn’t have any blood. Crop hard/doughy first thing this morning.

I’ve given her 1/4mL/lb safeguard as dewormer. Do I give it to her every day for 5 days and again at day 10 or once then again on day 7? I keep seeing different things.

I have her separated and am giving water, crumbles, and will give veg oil to help move things along.

Anything else I should do?


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When treating with SafeGuard treating once and in 10 days will treat round worms only. To treat roundworms, capillary, and gapeworms, treat for 5 days in a row. That is it.

It does sound like a possible impacted crop. What are you feeding? Do you have granite poultry grit available? Here is a good link to read about crop problems:
I have her separated and have water only in there with her. I’ve been feeding the flock Flock Raiser and Grower crumbles. The flock is completely free range on 2 acres with access to oyster shell. I’ve cut out all scratch. She has lost a good bit of weight.

Her crop is full and squishy. Doesn’t hold its shape. I’ve given her olive oil and massaged it. It makes a gurgling noise. No odor. I have only found a little poop in her coop and it looks like undigested grass. She is drinking and not eating much.
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She’s not improving and I’m suspecting impacted crop based on full/doughy crop in the morning and the large pieces of undigested grass she’s pooping.

I have been treating her for the past 3 days with coconut oil, massage, nystatin, and safeguard to cover both yeast and worms.

She’s lost a lot of weight and is just drinking at this point. I’ve got stool softener mixed into her egg yolk this morning.

@azygous @Wyorp Rock do you think this could be a case for impacted crop surgery?

Poop pics - I believe the white flecks on the second pic are remnants of the coconut oil/nystatin/dewormer cream as they only show up after I treat her with those.
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Can you feel a wad of grass in her crop? How long has she been suffering from this crop issue? It may be caused by something other than what she ate. What did the crop feel like first thing this morning?

It has been doughy the last few mornings. This morning it was doughy as well. Feels like silly putty in a balloon.

She’s been losing weight for two weeks now. I assumed it was worms, but haven’t seen any improvement with worming. Read all of the articles on crop ailments and have been treating with nystatin and coconut oil/messages.

She has no lameness or other physical ailments. She has no signs of injury. Her feather condition is good she has no swelling, pox, or mites. She is just very, very thin. She had been simply moving slow and hanging back from the flock. Today she’s laying down with eyes closed.

I can’t identify any hard spots. It just feels thick and gurgles. There’s no odor. She drinks a good bit of water. I treated the water with flock guard vitamins+probiotics.
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Is she eating anything? I would try feeding some egg and a little watery chicken feed. Is a vet possible if she has a wad of grass inside her crop?
I’ve got raw egg with coconut oil chunks and gel from stool softener capsule in there with her. Water available to her has supplements. She’s very disinterested in the food. She pecked around yesterday, but her appetite has decreased today.

No vet around.


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