cross breed egg color


10 Years
Sep 25, 2013
My Americuna(blue egg girl) and my Columbian Wyandotte, mated and had 4 chicks that hatched. There are 2 roos and 2 young hens, that are just beginning to lay. Now I have 2 adult hens that lay blue eggs and now one of the neww hens is laying a blue egg while her sister lays a pinkish brown one. I honestly thought that egg color stems from dad's genes, so how is one of these girls laying blue? I stink at genetics. Also, if I rehome my Columbian and keep one of the 2 younger roos, do I stand a better chance at future blue layers?
Egg color comes from both sides of the parents genes, not just one parent.

Blue X White = Light blue eggs.

Blue X Light brown/cream = Light Green eggs.

Blue X Brown = green eggs.

Blue X Chocolate brown = Olive green eggs.

Also, if I rehome my Columbian and keep one of the 2 younger roos, do I stand a better chance at future blue layers?
Does mom lay a good blue egg? Or super light blue?

If she lays a nice blue, she probably has 2 blue egg genes.

So... the cockerels will have 1 blue egg gene from mom, and light brown egg genes from dad.

So... the cockerels, if mated to hens that do NOT lay blue, will make girls that 50% lay green or bluish green, etc. And 50% will lay light brown.
Your ameraucana(Easter egger more likely) is heterozygous for blue egg. Do your roosters have Wyandotte combs or combs more like the moms? There is a comb associated w egg colour in aracauna derived breeds, I think it’s peacomb.
I think the egg color from any parent should result in something similar.

Are you sure the chart only shows for Homozygous parents?
Yes. If you draw it out with punnet squares it makes sense. If one parent has two blue genes all of the offspring get one, if it has one blue gene and one white it will still lay blue but only half of the offspring will lay blue, if the other parent doesn’t have a blue gene.
Your ameraucana(Easter egger more likely) is heterozygous for blue egg. Do your roosters have Wyandotte combs or combs more like the moms? There is a comb associated w egg colour in aracauna derived breeds, I think it’s peacomb.
Blue Egg Gene, & Pea comb aren't exactly connected. Crested Cream legbars lay blue eggs, & have single combs.

My EE, rooster carries the blue egg gene, & has a Sheild Comb(Single Comb Without the points.) He hatched from a blue egg, & one of his Offspring laid olive eggs.

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