Cross Breeds!!!!

I have a 20 week old rooster that looks like he might look like this some day.... I thought he was a cross between my Black Copper Marans rooster and a Red Star.. but now am thinking it's a cross with one of my Buff Orpington hens..

Here is patches.... What do you think? is the hen that produced the egg that hatched this boy a Red Star or Buff Orpington (a 3rd option is a Barred Rock, but I don't think so)?
I'm not positive on dominance of legs colors, but I think those white legs means his momma was an Orpington. None of the other breeds you mentioned have white legs.
Buff Orpington rooster x Barred Rock hens...



Cowgirl71 you still around on BYC?
Do you still raise these?
I had barred rock sire, buff orpington mother. The chicks were beautiful. Two roos and one hen. The hen looks like a buff orpington but has a slight barring of lighter yellow whick can barly be seen. The roosters had buff and white barrings with an acational bit of black.

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