Cross Breeds!!!!


I have recently hatched a clutch of eggs from the handsome Mille Fluer Cochin Bantam Rooster and the Red Frizzle Cochin seen here. (D'uccle hen in front did not have any fertile!)

I got seven out the nine hatched with some pretty cute babies! I have two full on frizzles, but the others have some curling at the ends of their feathers too. Can't wait to see what they look like all feathered out!

These are the chicks hatched from a White Sex Link Rooster, and the hens were either Black Sex Link or Rhode Island Reds.
I got six hatched from the twelve I incubated. I lost a few that were quitters, and a few at the end that never got past pipping. This was my very first try at hatching eggs.
I have one pure white, one all black (except for middle toes that are white), one yellow (buff) and a couple that look like they may end up looking like some kind of barred rock?? I look forward to seeing how they look when mature.

I asked the hatchery about that recently when I ordered a legbar pullet, and they said they believe the legbar would breed true for at least one generation. After that they were unsure.
I know that other sexlinks do not breed true and the next generation will not be apparent at hatch.
Does anyone here know what an orp and cochin cross might look like?
I have a Chocolate Cuckoo Bantam Orp Roo, and I have Mottled Bantam Cochin Hens. Here is a pic of both. I just wasn't sure, will they come out clean legged or feather? And colors not so sure?
Does anyone here know what an orp and cochin cross might look like?
I have a Chocolate Cuckoo Bantam Orp Roo, and I have Mottled Bantam Cochin Hens. Here is a pic of both. I just wasn't sure, will they come out clean legged or feather? And colors not so sure?
I love this thread. My chicks are "barnyard mixes," although a couple of them are clearly part EE. I know the potential parents, but I'm unsure of which ones parented each chick. I'll post pictures soon.
I love this thread. My chicks are "barnyard mixes," although a couple of them are clearly part EE. I know the potential parents, but I'm unsure of which ones parented each chick. I'll post pictures soon.
My chicks.

I have 6 chicks that are 9 weeks old as of now. I'm hoping to get more because I think all 4 black chicks are cockerels. I'd like to have at least 5 laying hens.
My chicks.

I have 6 chicks that are 9 weeks old as of now. I'm hoping to get more because I think all 4 black chicks are cockerels. I'd like to have at least 5 laying hens.

nice birds. the last black one looks like pullet. if only you have room for chickens you will end up with as many as they fit - just as the rest of us. I wanted 1 rooster and 4-5 hens, now I am around 15 + some chicks for meat, but at least 1 will stay!

This is the best picture I have of its head. This bird has been tricky, but lately has acted like a cockerel. It could just be a mean hen, but it pecks at the other black birds. The small pea-like comb is red and the wings are getting the deep brick red.

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