Cross Breeds!!!!

Updated pics of mine a week after hatch


We believe this is a pullet, in which case, her name will be Lita...a 6 week old frizzle polish serama. Dad is frizzle serama, mom is white crested black polish. She's so friendly and loveable. <3
My broody EE hatched one after I locked up the coop last night. As I was feeding the hens this morning, I went to collect the extra eggs from under her and my fingers brushed against something fluffy, and... voila.

Silkie/RIR rooster over an Egyptian Fayoumi hen.

Hatched 3 days early, which is a first for me. I've had some hatch a day early, but never on day 18 (not even with Seramas).
One more due to hatch any time now.
I just put a couple eggs in the incubator. Does anyone have any of these crosses?

Silver laced wyandotte
Blue copper marans
Black copper marans

silver laced wyandotte
rhode island red
red sexlink
buff orpington
blue cochin
easter eggers
blue ameraucana
white leghorn
Black australorps
Silver laced polish
White created black polish
Black copper marans
Splash marans

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