Cross breeds?


7 Years
Jul 12, 2012
I have a lot of questions on cross breeding. Lets say a light brahma were to mate with rhode island red, could a chick come out to have the reddish color of a rhode island red but have the blackk collar around its neck like its brahma mom? ANd another question, if two rooster were to fertilize the same female, and all three chickens were different breeds? Would the chick have characteristics of all three?
The Chick can only have one father. Just like it humans it only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg.
I can't help you with the colors, but here's the biology. A hen can mate with multiple roosters, just like pretty much any female animal. Each egg is fertilized by only one sperm, so a baby has one mom and one dad. Now, a hen can lay one fertile egg fertilized by Roo A and the next day lay an egg fertilized by Roo B, but each chick will only have one father. A female cat or dog can mate with several males in sucession, and give birth to say 4 kits/pups, each can in theory have different fathers but each only has one father.

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