crossing help


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 2, 2012
If I cross a white rock with a rhode island red hen will they be sex linked? or this can only be done the other way around?
If you crossed your white Rock to a barred hen you'd get a sex link, males being barred.

Unless the white rock was hiding the gene for barring, in which case all of the chicks would be barred. It is not recommended to use white birds to try to produce sex-link crosses because it can be extremely difficult to know for sure what genes a white bird is carrying.

Here is a link to the sexlink thread here. Tons of great information on how to create a sex-link, from how the genetics work to what colors work best.
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I will check the link out thanks! im gonna post my chicks on here 2moro to see if ya'll can sex them for me and i guess i will go from there.

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